Speed And Science Ltd.

Performance parts for Harley-Davidson (TM) Cycles

Speed And Science Ltd.

Performance parts for Harley-Davidson (TM) Cycles

We don’t cut corners and neither should you, when shopping for the best parts out there.

We are proud to present you with an array of top-shelf products for your Harley-Davidson™ motorcycle (old or new).

Everything listed on this site has been carefully designed and manufactured right here, on Canada’s West Coast. Our manufacturing facility is second to none – we have dozens of the latest multi-axis CNC machine tools, working 24-7 to produce perfectly functioning AND beautifully looking parts for our customers all over the world.

We are well into 21st Century and today’s technology offers an incredible opportunity for design professionals to create marvelous pieces of machinery. Your bike will like it and so will you.

Welcome to Speed And Science!

What is Speed And Science? In a nutshell, we are R&D company working at arm’s length with one of the largest and most advanced CNC shops in Western Canada. We specialize in proving the naysayers wrong. Thank You for an extra motivation, BTW!

Who? The TEAM: the mad-scientists behind the Speed And Science “drafting table”, coming up with more and more insane ideas. The Programing Dept Team who overlooks the G-Code part of things. The CNC setup gurus, converting blocks of aluminum into an intricate, cool looking metal sculptures. Our hurried Production people who put things in order for us, the messy engineers. Last, but not least our Boss, a.k.a. The Connoisseur of the Cheap Wine who has boarded the crazy train with us.

Where it came from? Motorcycles can be quite a powerful passion, and rightly so. Now, if such power can be transferred into one’s work, extraordinary things will start happening. Speed And Science is a direct result of our lifelong obsession with motorcycles.

When? We’ve been talking about this forever, but things became serious back in 2014 when the first iterations of 3D CAD models were drawn for the OEM Bore Shovelhead headset (initial item in our line of products).

Why? We do it because we can. And for as long as we keep our “outside-of-the-box” attitude, we’ll keep adding more awesomeness to our product line. Stay tuned!

What makes us “tick” here at Speed And Science:

Episode 1:
"The Mad Lab"
Episode 4: Harley Davidson Shovelhead Rocker Boxes. a.k.a. "The Icing on the Cake"
Episode 7: Quest for Power 2.0 - MIT Series TwinCam Heads
Episode 10:
The Evolution of the Missing Link
Episode 13 (Part 1): Shovelhead / Panshovel EFI Conversion Project
Episode 2: Harley Davidson Shovelhead - VELOCITY Heads, a.k.a. "The Not-So-Humble Beginnings"
Episode 5: Harley Davidson TwinCam FEROCITY Headset, a.k.a. "Generation Jump"
Episode 8:
The Beauty of Modular Design
Episode 11: Making of The Port, a.k.a. Horespower 101
Episode 13 (Part 2): Shovelhead / Panshovel EFI Conversion Project
Episode 3: Harley Davidson Shovelhead Aluminum Cylinders, a.k.a. “The Return of the Hidden Oil"
Episode 6: Quest for Power 1.0 - MIT Series Shovelhead
Episode 9:
Small Things Matter
Episode 12:
The Charlie Frankenson Story
Intake Manifold being done on one of our Multi-axis Milling Machines.​
Speed And Science aluminum billet head being inspected
Our Team:
About Us - Speed and Science Crew